Concerned about the personal data of our customers, we are committed to ensuring the conformity of the processed treatments in its quality of controller, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 27 May 2017 (the "RGPD").
To do this, we use a solution that complies with the RGPD and we have implemented a strict privacy policy to ensure an optimal level of protection of your data collected.
BUY ONLINE-VOLA HELMET FIS PEPS> Fis Peps + Fornito con telo protettivo in microfibra VOLA / Omologato FIS / Guscio in ABS + sistema di assorbimento degli urti multistrato / Schiume confortevoli e rimovibili / Inserti per mentoniera / Supporto della maschera in gomma morbida / Norma CE: EN1077:2007 Classe A (Europa) / Standard USA: ASTM 2040