Package size
- No. MW1000 - 100gr
All types of snow - hardened snow
Kerosene powder for training and competitive use. To be used for snow from -30° to -10°C. For competitive use it should be used with air humidity <30%. At the highest competitive level in the extreme case of very abrasive ridged snow this kerosene can be used on top of FP4 perfluorinated wax to increase its durability. Clearly the hydrophobia of the slab will be less. It is also used as a universal hardener to protect the base along the edges in very abrasive natural or artificial snow. Hot application with waxing iron.
The application of hydrocarbon paraffins (Racing Base or BP10), fluorinated hydrocarbon paraffins (LP15, LP2 or HP3) and perfluorinated waxes FP4 allows certain overlaps based on the following chemical affinities:
Hydrocarbon kerosene alone or mixed with other hydrocarbon paraffins;
Fluorinated hydrocarbon kerosene alone or mixed with other hydrocarbon paraffins;
Perfluorinated wax FP4 alone or mixed with other perfluorinated waxes but in each case overlaid with a fluorinated or high fluorinated hydrocarbon kerosene (LP2 or HP3) .
The direction in waxing operations should always be from the tip to the tail of the tool.
Race waxing can be done hot or cold depending on the physical state of the products and the experience of the skiman.
- Place the kerosene powder on the base evenly;
- Dab the wax for 20 cm. with the waxing iron at a temperature of 150°C. and thereafter spread it in a smooth forward motion (from tip to tail). Repeat the operation for the entire slab and finally make a continuous pass from tip to tail (about 3 cm. per second);
- Wait a minimum of 15 minutes to allow the wax to solidify and the base to cool;
- Remove excess wax with well-sharpened Plexiglas spatula exerting little pressure;
- Free the side of the ski and the side face of the edges from the solidified kerosene;
- Clear the impression with soft steel hand brush;
- Brush the footprint with hand brush or rotating stiff horsehair brush;
- Polish the impression with hand brush or rotating soft nylon brush.