Packaging format
- Code MW0953N - 100gr
- Code MW0963N - 250gr
- Code MW0973N - 1kg
All snow types



Solid paraffin with low fluorine content for competitive use as an end product or as a base product for overlaying FP4 perfluorinated waxes. To be used for snow from -7° to -3°C. Air humidity from 30% to 60%. In the case of new or stored abrasive snow mixed with artificial snow or hard spring snow, mix with LP2 GREEN. Hot application with a waxing iron.
The application of hydrocarbon paraffins (Med or Soft Racing Base or BP1), fluorinated hydrocarbon paraffins (LP2 or HP3) and perfluorinated waxes FP4 allows certain overlaps based on the following chemical affinities:
Hydrocarbon paraffin alone (Med or Soft Racing Base or BP1) or mixed with other hydrocarbon paraffins;
Fluorinated hydrocarbon paraffin alone (LP2 or HP3) or mixed with other hydrocarbon paraffins;
Perfluorinated wax FP4 on its own or mixed with other perfluorinated waxes but in any case superimposed on fluorinated hydrocarbon paraffin (LP2 or HP3) .
The direction in waxing operations must always be from the tip to the tail of the tool.
Race waxing can be performed hot or cold depending on the physical state of the products and the experience of the skiman.
- Drip the paraffin pellet onto the base by placing it in contact with the base of the waxing iron at a temperature of 130°C.
- Then spread the wax in a regular forward and backward movement and finally make a continuous pass from tip to tail at a constant speed (approx. 4 cm per second).
- 2.b (mix with LP2 GREEN) On the freshly melted layer of LP2 RED spread a layer of LP2 GREEN powder (the quantity depends on how new and abrasive the snow is with preserved crystal and/or artificial snow) and with the waxing iron at 130°C. perform a continuous pass from tip to tail at low speed (about 2cm. per second) perfectly melting the powder into the underlying solid paraffin.
- Wait at least 15 minutes to allow the wax to solidify and the base to cool;
- Remove excess wax with a well-sharpened Plexiglas spatula, exerting little pressure;
- Remove the solidified paraffin from the side of the ski and the side of the edges;
- Free the impression with soft steel hand brush;
- Brush the impression with manual or rotary brush made of stiff horsehair;
- Polish the impression with hand brush or rotating soft nylon brush.